As you can see from the photo, Crap-O Matic Industries is in full swing and is in production of Crapmobiles. This is the
only way to save the American Auto Industries. Hybrid cars and Ethanol are definitely not the answer. Take the Hybrid Car for example. Instead of using petro based fuel, your plugging your car into an electrical outlet and increasing your electric bill ten fold. Where's the sense in that? As for Ethanol, your stealing corn for the cows and dinner plate and using it for car fuel. Where's the sense in that? With the crapmoblile you're using your own bodily waste to fuel your car engine. AND...we're working feverishly on a family sized Crapmobile. Think about it; instead of just one person supplying energy, the whole family can pitch in. The Crapmobile is the only car in the world that becomes more fuel efficient when more passengers are added.
What an incredible breakthrough! I will also be asking the United States government for a 25 billion grant to plant acres and acres of Plum trees. Think about it; not only are you getting healthy nourishment but the Prunes that are made from the Plums is car fuel. That, as the expression goes is killing two birds with one prune pit.
A simple plan but one that makes sense! THAT'S WHY THEY CALL ME THE SAVIOUR!